Should You Travel with Your Baby’s Car Seat?
The answer is yes. If you want to make the entire travel experience run as smoothly as possible, traveling with car seats is always a good idea! If you have ever flown with a young child, you entirely understand why there is so much confusion on whether or not it is a good idea. For starters, will it be checked? Do I have to carry it with me? Can it come with me in the car service’s car? The list goes on and on. Bringing a baby’s car is certainly not as simple of a task as it appears, so allow us at Dependable Limo to clear up some of the confusion before you take your next trip!
U.S. Airports are Very Car Seat Friendly
Believe it or not, every U.S. airline allows you to check a car seat for your child for FREE. In most cases, airports allow you to check the car seat at the baggage counter, or you can always opt to check it at your respective gate. Much like how you dropped off your car seat, you will find your child’s seat along with the other luggage you checked, but it’s important to note that car seats and strollers sometimes take longer than traditional luggage. We generally recommend bringing the seats along with you on the plane so your child can travel safely and comfortably. Just make sure your car seat will fit on a plane!
Convenience and Safety
In addition to the flexibility airports show in regards to bringing car seats, is the overall notion that it’s ultimately more convenient to have the car seat with you, as opposed to without. Despite being bulky and awkward to carry along with you, it’s important to weigh your pros with your cons. Can you imagine going on vacation and not having a car seat for your child, and using a faulty rental one? I think not. On top of this, don’t you want your child to have a comfortable and safe flight? Without a car seat, you can only imagine the ruckus that will occur, especially on a longer flight. In addition to keeping them comfortable, you also must consider their on-flight safety. Plane rides can be very turbulent, and sometimes holding a baby in your arms can be near impossible, putting your child in a very unsafe situation.
International Flights
When it comes to International flight, things can get slightly mixed up in the process of travel. We highly suggest to bring a plane compatible car seat with you for your flight, considering how long international flights can be. It’s always recommended to travelers that if they are having a hard time finding their car seat, to start a dialogue with gate agents who will assist you in locating it. If you do not speak their language, you can always point at your child and gate and most of the time they will understand what you need.
Traveling soon? Contact Dependable Limo to make a reservation! Look forward to hearing from you!